Clinic Operations and Process Improvement

Patient flow is central to the healthcare experience. From improving patient experience itself to reducing the stress on your staff, patient flow should be considered a key factor in providing effective healthcare and a staple in your clinic operations game plan.

What is Patient Flow?

Patient flow, simply put, is how your patients move through a healthcare facility. It involves everything from the medical care received to the internal systems in place to ensure that from admission to discharge, quality and patient/provider satisfaction is maintained. The key is to successfully match the appropriate amount of resources to the admissions coming through the door.

While patient flow is a hot topic in large hospital systems, smaller clinics should also consider how this impacts their practice and its reputation. The benefits are great:

  • Reduced waiting times

  • Improved access for patients

  • Reduced delays and cancellations

  • Reduced physician overload

  • Greater patient throughput (with the same amount of resources!)

  • The right amount of staff for the job

  • Improvements in patient safety and quality of care

  • Improvements in satisfaction – patient, doctor, and nurse

  • Reduction in waste

  • Increased revenue

As the healthcare industry increasingly focuses on value-based care instead of fee-for-service, the incentives will likely grow far beyond the above listed benefits. Prima Healthcare Solutions embraces the use of data and process improvement through the practice of decision science. What is decision science? It is an approach to decision making that is based on the scientific method and makes extensive use of quantitative analysis. While our consulting is highly data-driven, we do not dismiss the human element. Models can take you only so far – the true keys to adopting more efficient practices lie with the people. 

Program Overview

What We Can Help With

We have experiencing helping with some of the most common challenges facing clinics today, including:

  • Patient registration
  • Patient wait-time
  • Encounter workflow
  • Staffing of new programs/services
  • Cost reduction
  • Marketing plan media selection
  • Project Scheduling
  • Inventory Models

Prima Healthcare Solutions is prepared to help your practice get on the road to improved efficiency. Give us a call or click the button below and let us know how we can best serve you!

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